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Communication Workshop


The Key to a successful presentation is to define what you want the audience to do after the talk 成功的演講是要先定義你需要聽眾為你做什麼
The Key to a successful presentation is to define what you want the audience to do after the talk 成功的演講是要先定義你需要聽眾為你做什麼


Communication skills aren't usually taught in school, but you will learn them several key skills here in this program. This soft skills training programme will give you an edge over your competitors. It will also make your job, your career and your life more rewarding and enjoyable.

Communication Workshop focus on written communication, as a starting point to improve yourself. From grammar, tone of writing to business ethics, participants will learn the language skills, building up a checklist to avoid poor communications. Apart from general writing, extended applications including writing emails, preparing presentation slides will also be covered in the Workshop.




Objectives and Benefits

  • Create impactful business document

  • Write in correct grammar and appropriate tone and manner

  • Tailor made writing for different audience to achieve different purposes

  • Write to influence or defend position

  • Make effective presentation slides


  • 撰寫有影響力的商業文件

  • 寫作是能使用正確文法、運用適當的語調和禮儀

  • 調整語氣,以針不同的讀者、聽眾或其他受眾

  • 根據目的,撰寫說服性或解釋性文件

  • 製作有感染力的幻燈片

Key Features

  • 4-hours instructor-led workshop

  • Course delivered by experienced business manager

  • Course material in digital format


  • 4小時講師指導的工作坊

  • 由經驗豐富的業務經理帶領

  • 數位化課程材料

Well Suited for

  • Enterprise employee who needs to prepare documents, write copies, communicate in emails and prepare presentations.


  • 任何企業僱員需要編寫文件、文案,以電郵通訊及製作幻燈片



ITIL® 4 / PRINCE2® 免費簡介課程

睇真啲 ITIL 4 同 PRINCE2 係乜嘢嚟? 可以點樣幫到您擴展事業同幫到公司? 立即登記了解! ITIL4 PRINCE2 兩個報晒都🉐㗎! 如有其他疑問,請致電或 WhatsApp 我們 66331279

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